Easy City

about us

Easy City is an advanced platform with multiple activities and fields

Establishment and first announcement in the Arab Republic of Egypt

Countries where services are available:

Arab Republic of Egypt,,,,,,,,,,, Headquarters, Mansoura

The United Arab Emirates,,,,,,,,,,, Headquarters online

Sultanate of Oman,,,,,,,,,,, Headquarters, Muscat

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,,,,,,,,,,, Abha

Kingdom of Jordan,,,,,,,,,,, Headquarters online

Republic of Iraq,,,,,,,,,,,, Headquarters online

The sister State of Palestine,,,,,,,,,,,, Headquarters online

Official communication means:

Technical support and solution to technical problems: support@easycity,app

Business services and subscriptions:   business@easycity.agancy

User Services and Complaints: team@easycity.agancy

Services provided by the company for business:

  • Commercial activities services
  • Service activities services
  • Advertising and marketing services
  • Media and graphics services
  • Administration and accounts services
  • Shipping and transportation services
  • Public supply services
  • Factory and supplier services
  • Drop shopping and affiliate marketing services.