Refund Policy

Return policy

Sometimes users need the feature of exchanging or retrieving a service or purchased items and refunding money, so the platform provides this service, but within specific standards to avoid harm to one of the parties to the dispute.

Basic conditions for returning a product:

  1. Provide a photo of the product received in the order
  2. The return request must not exceed 24 hours from the date of receipt of the order
  3. The return request should not exceed 2 hours from the date of receipt of the order in the case of food products
  4. The item is unusable
  5. The delivered item does not match the item sold in the order
  6. The delivered item does not meet the specifications on the product page
  7. When is the return process done by the platform and at its responsibility:

When the previous conditions are met, as well as these additional conditions:

  • The seller is verified by the platform with a gold or silver relationship.
  • The seller is not verified, but the full price of the order was paid with Visa.

Policies whose content will be added soon:

  • Conditions for redeeming services
  • Important tips to avoid mistakes
  • How can you retrieve the product or service directly from the advertiser?
  • How can you report and display your experience?

Thank you for your trust in the Easy City platform